The Resources

Start your nutrition practice
Free Business Checklist
This list includes all the foundational things you need to start your business and be prepared to take on your first client.

Insurance Credentialing
Free Checklist
A step-by-step list of everything you need to do to accept insurance in your practice.
Grab More of my
Free Resources

Financial Forecasting Workbook: Set Your Rates and Fees
The starting point for pricing your services should including financial forecasting.
This workbook helps you figuring out how much money you would like to make per year to cover your expenses, meet your financial needs, and build a sustainable business. End result: decide on a pricing model and your hourly rate.

Hone in on your niche and
ideal-ish client
The starting point for your marketing efforts is your ideal client.
This worksheet will help you get clear on your niche and ideal client so you can create services that people want, write better website copy, and know what to prioritize when it comes to marketing.

Grab my discovery call template
This template walks you through the structure of a potential client discovery call.
It includes how to set exceptions, suggested questions to ask, and ways that you can naturally and authentically invite the person into your practice. Feel more confident offering your services to potential clients.

Use my initialnutrition assessment form
An editable form you can download and use right away.
This assessment form offers a potential structure and questions to ask during your initial assessment and visit with a new client. It's been developed over years of working with clients in my practice.

How To Improve Your Client Retention & Counseling Skills
Free Workshop
Approved for 1.5 CPEs for Dietitians by the CDR
Learn how to keep your clients coming back to see you so you can support real, long-term behavior change and grow a sustainable business.
Enrollment includes 1 year of access from the date of purchase. Pre-approved for 1.5 CEUs for Registered Dietitians (activity expiration date: 1/30/2026).